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How to Use AI Writing Tools for Blog Writing: The Dos & Don’ts

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

an illustration of a woman typing on her laptop

Writing is an arduous task, especially when it’s not your thing. But as a business owner in today’s digital world, you know that creating useful blog content regularly is one of the best ways to grow your brand awareness and establish yourself as an authority in your field.

If you find yourself in a rut wondering how to create meaningful content for your readers, AI writing tools may be your savior. These AI writing assistants generate paragraphs of content you can use in your blog posts based on a few keywords.

Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?

But before you eagerly look for AI writing tools to help you write your blog content for you, you need to be aware of a few critical dos and don’ts of using them. And that’s exactly what I’m going to cover in this article.

What are AI writing tools?

AI-based writing assistants are software applications that use artificial intelligence (AI) to automate the process of generating written content. These tools can help you write articles, blog posts, press releases, social media captions, and other types of content way faster than you would on your own.

An important thing to keep in mind is that these tools aren’t designed to replace human writers. However, they can be used by bloggers and content marketers as a helper tool to create content.

Are AI writing tools the root of all content writing evil?

Some content writers vilify AI writing tools because they believe they’re taking away their jobs and turning everyone into content writers.

Business owners complain about content writers using AI writing tools because they often get low-quality content that doesn’t make much sense.

But here’s the truth: many people simply don’t understand how to use AI writing tools. Or worse: they misuse them and abuse them.

Yes, you’re going to find a lot of so-called “content writers” who use these tools to replace their own writing entirely and try to make a quick and easy buck without putting in any effort.

But that’s not the software’s fault. Blame the user, not the tool! AI tools will NEVER replace human writers (at least, I think so).

4 benefits of using AI writing tools to write content

Need some convincing? Here are some of the main benefits of using these powerful writing assistant tools.

They help you get over writer’s block.

Think of all those times when you tried to write something for your business and ended up staring at a blank screen for an hour. Oh yes, the writer’s block. We’ve all experienced it - and we all experience it pretty regularly (yes, even us, the professional writers).

Let’s face it. Writing is hard work. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and when you get stuck, it can be frustrating.

You see, that’s the beauty of AI-powered writing tools: they help you overcome your writer’s block in minutes by giving you ideas about what to write with just a few relevant keywords.

They give you ideas you can develop.

Here’s another content writing struggle many business owners and marketers face: finding interesting angles to approach a topic.

That’s where AI writing tools come to your rescue! If you struggle with coming up with ideas, AI can provide some inspiration and ideas that can be developed into something more substantial.

However, while AI tools can give you excellent ideas about what to write or how to approach a topic, it’s important to add your own spin to what the software generated for you. Don’t just take its ideas - make them your own!

They help you find the right words.

Sometimes, you may know what you want to say but struggle to put it in the right words. AI-powered writing tools are an excellent solution to this problem.

For example, Copy AI has a really cool feature that helps you rewrite sentences in your desired tone of voice (you can choose between a few options). Just type in a messy sentence that expresses what you want to say into the generator, and it’ll come up with a better way to say it in seconds.

They help you write content faster.

Another compelling reason to add AI-powered tools to your content creation kit? They help you create content way faster than you do without them.

You’ll no longer end up staring at the blank page for hours, getting frustrated about how you’re wasting your precious time. Plus, you’ll get ideas handed to you on a silver platter - and we all know it’s easier to develop your own spin on an idea than to come up with it from scratch.

The Dos and Don’ts of Using AI Writing Tools To Write Powerful Blog Posts

The Dos:

Do use AI tools to overcome your writer’s block.

Whether you’re a professional content writer or not, writer’s block is real. Whenever I experience writer’s block, I turn to my favorite AI writing tool to help me overcome it. I just share with it what I want to write about, and it provides me with ideas. I then develop these ideas into a well-written paragraph of my blog post (such as this one).

Do use AI tools to generate blog post outlines.

One of my favorite ways to use AI writing tools is to help me outline a blog post. If you’re a blogger or have tried blogging before, you know that it’s nearly impossible to write a good blog post without a well-structured outline.

But creating an outline can sometimes be quite challenging, especially when you don’t know how to approach the topic. The best AI tools will suggest what sections to include in your blog post by analyzing the best-ranking articles on Google based on your keyword.

Do use AI tools to create a draft.

AI writing tools are not meant to replace human writers, but they can be used as a tool to come up with an initial draft. Once you know what you want to write about, you can use AI writing tools to brainstorm ideas and generate content for each section of your blog post outline.

These tools will help you come up with a solid draft that you’ll need to revise and edit with your own ideas and writing style.

The Don’ts:

Don’t replace your writing entirely with content generated by an AI tool.

AI writing tools aren’t meant to replace human writers. It won’t work! On its own, an AI writing tool will usually generate fluffy, low-quality, robotic-sounding content.

That’s because AI can only create content based on algorithms and data — it doesn’t understand what it is saying or how it should be said to resonate with humans.

And that’s ok! Its main job is to give you ideas of what to write. Your main job as a writer is to use these ideas as inspiration, add your own, and adjust your writing to your tone of voice.

Don't use AI tools for research.

That’s another big no-no. Even though AI writing tools may seem intelligent, they can’t discern whether the information they provide is accurate. Sometimes they will. Other times, they’ll just generate a massive pile of illogical crap. You can never be sure which piece of information is true unless you actually know what you’re talking about.

So, you should never use AI tools to generate content on a topic you know very little about. You also shouldn’t count on it to provide accurate facts and statistics.

Always, always, always make sure you’re either an expert on the topic or do your own research before using an AI writing tool to create content for you!

Don't use AI tools to spin other people’s content.

That’s a no-no the size of Mount Everest. And if Google realizes you’re doing this (and it will, because it’s oh-so-powerful and almighty), it’ll punish you forever. You don’t want to be punished by Google. You might never recover.

In fact, according to this article from SEJ, Google has explicitly stated that auto-generated content is against their Webmaster Guidelines.

So, does that mean you should say a permanent goodbye to your favorite AI writing assistant? Well, not really! Just use it intelligently without compromising your integrity as a content writer.

5 AI writing tools to inspire your writing

While I'm not a big advocate of letting robots write content for you, I still think that content writing tools can be a huge help. I use them myself.

Here are the 5 most popular AI writing tools at the moment of writing this article. Just remember not to use them to replace you entirely!

Copy AI


Copy AI is my go-to writing assistant for literally everything. Although it excels in short-form copy, such as product descriptions or social media captions, it also has many useful features to help you create an entire blog post - from the outline to each paragraph.

Jasper AI


Jasper AI is a relatively new AI writing tool that rivals Copy AI in terms of features and templates. You can use it for everything from short-form copy, such as Facebook Ads or product descriptions, to writing blog articles.



Yet another rival of Copy AI and Jasper AI, with a similar interface. You can use Rytr to write anything from YouTube descriptions to blog post headlines.



Linguix focuses mainly on customer-related communication. It provides you with a library of templates to use when communicating with your clients or employers, such as a cold email or a job offer email. It also comes with a grammar checker to make sure your correspondence is error-free.



Copysmith is an advanced AI writing tool focusing on eCommerce businesses. You can use it specifically to generate marketing content, such as SEO-optimized product descriptions and Google ads.

It’s Time to Get Some Writing Help

Whether you’re a fan of using AI writing tools to help you come up with valuable content for your readers, one thing is for sure: AI writing tools are just tools.

The end goal of creating content is to connect with your readers, and no tool can replace your human touch. So, use these tools to support your writing rather than replace it entirely.

*This blog post contains affiliate links. If you buy something through my link, I get a commission from the sale at no additional cost to you. You're just helping me keep the blog alive!


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